Zintek - Childrens surgical Hospital

71 la sfida di EMERGENCY in Uganda EMERGENCY’s challenge in Uganda L’ECCELLENZA COME ATTO DI RESISTENZA CREATIVA: EXCELLENCE AS AN ACT OF CREATIVE RESISTANCE: After the Salam Centre for Cardiac Surgery near Khartoum, in Sudan – which has represented a sortofmiracle inAfricafor the last fourteenyears – the completion of the new Children’s Surgical Hospital inEntebbe, Uganda, is for EMERGENCY the second piece of the ANME (African Network of Medical Excellence) network. An important project, combining the commitment and principles of the organization with the creative vision of an extraordinary architect like Renzo Piano, and marrying medical excellence with architectural avant- garde. A long-term vision, which renews in form and substance the conventional approach to humanitarian intervention. Dopo il Centro Salam di cardiochirurgia vicino a Khartoum, in Sudan – che da quattordici anni rappresenta una specie di miracolo in Africa – il completamento del nuovo Children’s Surgical Hospital di Entebbe, in Uganda, è per EMERGENCY il secondo tassello della rete ANME (African Network of Medical Excellence). Un progetto importante, che combina l’impegno e i principi dell’organizzazione con la visione creativa di un architetto straordinario come Renzo Piano, e che unisce eccellenza medica e avanguardia architettonica. Una visionedi lungoperiodo, cherinnovanellaforma e nella sostanza l’approccio convenzionale dell’intervento umanitario. GINO STRADA Founder and Executive Director EMERGENCY