Zintek - Childrens surgical Hospital

205 Renzo Piano Building Workshop is an international architectural studio with offices in Paris andGenoa, and also active inNewYork. The studio consists of nine partners, including its founder, the architect Renzo Piano, and of approximately 150 permanent employees. The over 100 architects working for the studio come from all around the world. Since its creation, in 1981, RPBW has worked on more than 140 projects in Europe, North America, Australia and East Asia. Recent buildings by the RPBW include The Shard in London, the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Centre in Athens, the Whitney Museum of American Art and the new Columbia University campus in New York, as well as the new Paris Courthouse. The quality of the work performed by RPBW has been acknowledged through recognitions awarded by organizations such as the American Instituteof Architects (AIA) and theRoyal Institute of BritishArchitects (RIBA). The important awards receivedby the studio include: theAIATwentyfive Year Award (2013), the Building of the Year award (2016) and the Équerre d’Argent (2017). Renzo Piano Building Workshop è uno studio di architettura internazionale con uffici a Parigi e Genova, e opera anche a New York. Lo studio è formato da nove partner, tra cui il suo fondatore, l’architetto Renzo Piano e da circa 150 persone impiegate stabilmente. Gli oltre 100 architetti provengono da tutto il mondo. Dalla sua creazionenel 1981, RPBWha realizzato oltre 140 progetti in Europa, Nord America, Australia e Asia orientale. Gli edifici più recenti di RPBW includono The Shard a Londra, il Centro Culturale Stavros Niarchos Foundation di Atene, il Whitney Museum of American Art e il nuovo campus della Columbia University di New York, nonché il nuovo Tribunale di Parigi. La qualità del lavoro di RPBW è stata apprezzata attraverso riconoscimenti concessi da organizzazioni come l’American Institute of Architects (AIA) e il Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA). Premi importanti includono: l’AIA Twentyfive Year Award (2013), il premio Building of the Year (2016) e l’Équerre d’Argent (2017).