Zintek - Childrens surgical Hospital

167 1. Struttura in carpenteria metallica 2. Lamiera grecata 3. Barriera al vapore, membrana elastomerica autoadesiva 4. Pannello isolante rigido sp.120 mm 4A. Pannelli isolante rigido sp. 40 mm 5. Pannello in legno-cemento ad alta densità sp. 3 cm 6. Membrana impermeabile completamente adesiva con finitura antiscivolo 7. Strato separatore drenante e antirombo sp. 14 mm 8. Zintek® prepatinato aggraffato sp. 0,7 mm a norma EN 988, doppia aggraffatura; H=25 mm 9. Lamelle circolari in zintek® prepatinato 10. Rete antinsetto 11. Coperchio in zintek® prepatinato, smontabile per manutenzione 1. Metallic framework structure 2. Corrugated sheet metal 3. Vapor barrier, self-adhesive elastomeric membrane 4. Rigid insulation panel, sp.120 mm 4A. Rigid insulation panels, sp. 40 mm 5. High-density cement-wood panel sp. 3 cm 6. Fully adhesive waterproof membrane with slip-resistant finish 7. Drainage-enhancing and sound-dampening separation layer sp. 14 mm 8. Pre-weathered seamed zintek®, sp. 0.7 mm, EN 988-compliant, double seaming; H=25 mm 9. Pre-weathered zintek® circular slats 10. Anti-insect net 11. Pre-weathered zintek® cover, removable for maintenance purposes