Zintek - Childrens surgical Hospital

163 1. Struttura in carpenteria metallica 2. Lamiera grecata 3. Barriera al vapore, membrana elastomerica autoadesiva 4. Pannello isolante rigido sp.120 mm 5. Pannello in legno-cemento ad alta densità sp. 3 cm 6. Membrana impermeabile completamente adesiva con finitura antiscivolo 7. Strato separatore drenante e antirombo sp. 14 mm 8. zintek® prepatinato aggraffato sp. 0,7 mm a norma EN 988, doppia aggraffatura; H=25 mm 9. Lamelle in zintek® prepatinato 10. Rete antinsetto 11. Struttura in lamiera zincata 12. Coperchio in zintek® prepatinato, smontabile per manutenzione 1. Metallic framework structure 2. Corrugated sheet metal 3. Vapor barrier, self-adhesive elastomeric membrane 4. Rigid insulation panel, sp.120 mm 5. High-density cement-wood panel, sp. 3 cm 6. Fully adhesive waterproof membrane with slip-resistant finish 7. Drainage-enhancing and sound-dampening separation layer, sp. 14 mm 8. Pre-weathered seamed zintek®, sp. 0.7 mm, EN 988-compliant, double seaming; H=25 mm 9. Pre-weathered zintek® slats 10. Anti-insect net 11. Galvanized sheet metal structure 12. Pre-weathered zintek® cover, removable for maintenance purposes