First were carpenters, then it was the turn of seamstresses and leather goods craftsmen, followed closely by bakers and, in recent years, even by barbers. These are just some of the jobs that are likely to disappear, cut off due to the process of delocalization, growing automation and even the bargain prices offered by large multinational chains, against which small artisans struggle to compete. However, never since during the economic crisis that has boosted unemployment figures, it has become clearer that manual work can be a resource for many young people looking for a job and also for those who, due to company reorganizations, have had to start all over again.
Restarting from tradition, from the peculiarities that characterize a territory, therefore, the right path to follow is becoming more and more evident. A path to follow that, however, requires training and preparation, in other words, a process of formation that, most often than not, schools (even the technical ones) are not able to provide. The same in Italy – unlike what happens in other countries such as Germany, where there is a highly qualified training for different professionals – activating courses and workshops has become a task entrusted more and more to the companies themselves. It is their task to try not to disperse the skills and carry on professions that, thanks to high specialization, were able to bring wealth and value to the territories and communities.

To do this, the most forward-looking companies have activated real training centers, as in the case of the Tinsmithing School created by Zintek to train qualified personnel who would be able to treat zintek® and assemble it in the right way, taking into account its technical features.
Over the years the company has organized training opportunities for installers and tinsmiths from all over Italy, combining theory and practice (through laboratory sessions) in three courses: the specialization on roofing, on the façade and the certification course for qualified installer.
The offer of the Zintek Tinsmithing School has immediately entered into a program that the company has been carrying out for years in order to give customers and partners an integrated service that runs throughout the supply chain, from the processing of the raw material to the installation and the laying of the laminate, which aims not to disperse a heritage of artisan knowledge that our country seems to need more than ever.