Our offices will be closed 4th to 27th of August

Meetings and conferences

Zintek periodically organizes meetings for professionals from the construction and architectural sectors, conceived as informative occasions to showcase the characteristics of zintek® as a product and highlight the opportunities it offers in the construction context. Furthermore, in the case of major construction works, the company also prepares presentation and promotional activities in prestigious locations (such as the Milan Triennale or the Misericordia Complex in Venice).

Theme-based meetings for professionals

Zintek periodically organizes informative workshops for professionals interested in design (professional architecture studios, provincial and municipal technical offices, construction firms), to showcase the characteristics of the product and share the architectural opportunities it offers with participants.

The didactic methods of these meetings are varied and articulated, aimed at creating strong links with the world of design and at stimulating direct participation from professionals.

The topics addressed in the classroom are complemented by the analysis of a project work, which also includes the development of an actual zintek® application, and by in-depth theoretical and practical studies carried out directly within the quarters of the Tinsmithery school.

The activities on offer stand out as the result of continuous analyses of operational contexts, and the application of rigorous and innovative techniques aimed at developing the participants’ familiarity with zintek®.


The courses take place in the Tinsmithery school

in the Zintek headquarters
in Via delle Industrie 22
30175 Porto Marghera, Venice.

For further information and to sign up for upcoming courses: